Business digitalization. webinar series

About us

Digital Rocket LT was founded in the largest innovation community in Lithuania at Tech-Park Kaunas.

The Cluster focuses on Digitalisation of Cities public services, the creation of new products and services in order to improve citizen life quality by focusing on Health-tech, Green-tech, Energy management, and Robotization areas of activities.

There are more than 30 companies, most of them work in IT, ICT sector, other in Energy management, Software engineering, Robotization, Health-tech sectors.

What we do?


We aim to raise the living standards of the urban citizen. Cities are becoming bigger and denser in an era of unprecedented urbanization. Nowadays, it is considered to be the great era of Urban Digitalization, which can be used to help residents, businesses, governments, and universities to gain insights about how cities work.
The Cluster aims to create an innovative environment in the cities which will boost the competitive ability of companies by bringing together businesses, citizens, public authorities, R&D institutes, hospitals, and structures that support innovation. The Cluster focuses on the creation, development (including product development) and export of innovative solutions designed for different spheres of urban and citizen life.


Accelerating the competitive success of Tech-Park Kaunas and SMEs through cooperation and innovation in the Health-tech, Green-tech, IoT, Smart City industries.


The Cluster focuses on making the smart urban environment and urban digitization more sustainable, healthy, saves energy, creates new possibilities for new business opportunities, is resource-efficient and eco-innovative.
Cluster mainly focuses on these areas of activities:
1. Digitalization of Public Services, management systems solutions (ERP) for public institutions, data-driven analyses of transportations and citizen life quality.
2. Health-tech for prevention, diagnoses, social care, and treatment for the wellbeing of the citizens.
3. Green-tech solutions for sustainability through NMBP, resources and waste, energy saving projects of public buildings, focus on connected public buildings, also Green-tech based transportation and mobility solutions, accessibility around the city and etc.
4. Smart City for the general public areas of the cities, communication with citizens and their well-being, data regulations, transportation, and smart grids and etc.


To stimulate the creation of innovative products and services during already created common value chain. Developed solutions will focus on increased access, eco-innovations, resource efficiency, international scalability.

News Feed

Park alumnus, head of NFQ Technologies participated at the Innovators' Breakfast

While the world of technology is changing rapidly, the challenges related to people are far more complex than solving technical problems. What is important and useful to know for technology entrepreneurs and Digital Rocket LT cluster members? On Feb 24 we had a special guest - Paulius Insoda, an alumnus of the Park and the CEO of NFQ Technologies - who shared his insights on the Innovators' Breakfast at Tech-Park Kaunas.


Cluster members

Contact us

Paulius Nezabitauskas
Cluster coordinator
Mobile phone: +370 612 54070
Tomas Černevičius
Cluster manager
Mobile phone: +370 614 69677
Neringa Žebrauskienė
Cluster administrator
Mobile phone: +370 607 23223